Provide your feedback on the TPS Strategic Plan, 2025-2030

Tacoma Public Schools wants to hear from you! We are in the process of updating our Strategic Plan and want to hear from students, staff, families, and the community. In summary, we want to know what characteristics, attributes, and/or skills that:

  • Students should have when they graduate;
  • Adults should have as they teach and support students; and
  • The system should prioritize as it ensures they best learning and working environment for students, staff, and families.

Before providing your feedback, please review the following potential goal areas and descriptions for the revised TPS Strategic Plan:

  • Academic Achievement: We support a system where students are ready to learn, and teachers are ready to teach. Kids have the tools they need, access to food, the ability to get to school and get home, and are supported in finding their purpose. Teachers have the training they need and are excited to find ways to connect students with a path that respects their passions and the ability to thrive.  
  • Partnership & Participation: We want a community that shows up for our kids. We want families who know their kids’ teachers and know where to ask questions. We want community groups embedded in schools. We want a community that benefits from engaged families and how we do business.
  • Safe and Supported: We care about people. Whether it’s our students, our staff, our families or the community, by thinking holistically about the needs of people, we create a safe space where students feel supported to learn, and our community can thrive.
  • Operational Excellence: We take the responsibility to do right by students with the funds we are entrusted. Schools are vital parts of community infrastructure beyond the school day.

The survey should take about 5-10 minutes and your answers are anonymous. Thank you, in advance, for taking the time to complete the survey.

Survey: 2025-2030 Strategic Plan

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